There are tens and hundreds of benefits to movement and exercise, but the one main thing I’d like you to focus on, especially these days, is how it makes you feel.
We as humans are designed to move, but modern life has brought us to a seat. I love technology, do not get me wrong, but the problem is we just do not move enough for our mind, body, and soul’s well-being.
With movement, energy flows through our body creating a physiological reaction triggering an emotion. How many times have you felt low and that feeling flipped 180 degrees after a workout? Perhaps you cried or felt a little emotional in or after a Yoga session. Simply put, this is how your body reacts to movement. It could be pure joy one time and an emotional release another.
The trick is you just have to get up and move.
Emotion= Energy x Motion or Energy in Motion
A movement is a form of expression that can help release negative energy. It can also create an influx of good energy leading to an uplifting feeling that can have a lasting effect on you.