7 Simple Tips To Help You Stay Active During The Day
August 11, 2022How Prenatal Exercise Helps with a Healthy Pregnancy
July 17, 2023With so much misinformation and unsolicited advice, especially on social media, I see women following fads that only result in disappointment.
Lots of people continue their search for the magic pill while refusing to believe it does not exist. If “anything” sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.
Here is a consolidated list of the top unrealistic expectations I have seen and heard over the years. These are a few things you need to know to keep it real throughout your journey to avoid disappointment and loss of motivation.
Expectation: Weight lifting will cause my body to bulk up
Women are not built the same as men, so unless you will opt for hormonal supplements, your body is not designed to naturally bulk up like men.
Expectation: When I workout, I can eat whatever I want
Nutrition and exercise go hand in hand. Food restriction and over-exercising are not advised, and neither is overindulging just because you are moving more. You need to fuel your body the right way to get the results you want. It’s quite a simple equation if your goal is weight management → calories in < calories burned
Expectation: I will see results in the first month
You can see results within four weeks, but it all depends on how much effort you put into it and understanding that each body is different. For example, if you exercise once a week, results will be very different than working out 4-5 days per week. If adopt a healthy nutrition plan while working out, you will see different results than doing just one of those. My advice is don’t rush results and give yourself and your body enough time to achieve realistic goals.
Expectation: Hire a personal trainer to get in shape faster
A personal trainer will customize a workout for you and help you achieve your goals, but they are not magicians and they do not have superpowers. If you do not follow the program they set for you, it won’t work. Working out once a week is very different than 3 or 5 times. If you sabotage your nutrition plan, workouts won’t fix it.
Expectation: Losing weight/fat in one spot AKA SPOT REDUCTION 😤
Spot reduction is the biggest myth of all! When you exercise, the whole body reaps the benefits. You can train specific muscles and areas in your body, but that does not mean you can lose the fat in one spot and not others.
Expectation: Getting the same results as someone else
Your body will get fitter and stronger in its own form. Unless this person has your bone structure, genetics, body composition, and a few other things that only you possess, you cannot and should not compare yourself to anyone. You are your own kind of beautiful. Embrace your body and love it for everything it is.